DWC 2016 Vlákha Náxou

The BLE performing Vlákha Náxou at Dance for World Community 2016.

DWC 2016 Tsamiko Kónitsas

The BLE performing Tsamiko Kónitsas at Dance for World Community 2016.

DWC 2016 Pidikhtós Ródou

The BLE performing Pidikhtós Ródou at Dance for World Community 2016.

DWC 2016 Zakharoúla

The BLE performing Zakharoúla at Dance for World Community 2016.

DWC 2016 Mantilátos

The BLE performing Mantilátos at Dance for World Community 2016.

BLE Karnavali 2016

This is a video of the Boston Lykeion Ellinidon's special performance of the Meriou of Sohos at Karnavali 2016.
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